by Jose Torre-Bueno | Feb 12, 2025 | Building Electrification
The Overlooked Value of EV Batteries V2G: Benefitting the Owner and the Grid Did you know that the energy in electric vehicle (EV) batteries can be a resource with value over and above making the EV move? From the simplest case of powering equipment at a worksite to...
by Susan Wayo | Nov 3, 2021 | Building Electrification, Climate Change, Climate Disaster, Decarbonization Strategies, Grid structure
Photo by NASA on Unsplash The following by environmentalist and writer Bill McKibben appeared in an article titled “The End of Nature: The rise of greenhouse gases and our warming earth.” published in September 3, 1989 in The New Yorker: “Forever we have read...
by Susan Wayo | Sep 7, 2021 | Building Electrification, Climate Change, Climate Disaster, Decarbonization Strategies, Grid structure
We’ve all seen the dramatic pictures of downed energy infrastructure as pictured in this article, “Entergy Says 2,000 Miles of High-Voltage Lines Knocked Out by Hurricane Ida” from the Wall Street Journal Replacing or repairing 2000 miles of downed grid infrastructure...
by Susan Wayo | May 5, 2021 | Building Electrification, Decarbonization Strategies, Grid structure, Opinion of Experts, Supporting CCE
Photo By: Photo by Justin Lim from UnsplashCoauthor: Paige Gehringer Will We Need to Drastically Change Our Lives to Save the Planet? Currently, there are numerous questions regarding what must be done to save our planet. Will we have to completely eliminate...
by Susan Wayo | Mar 5, 2021 | Building Electrification, Decarbonization Strategies
For years I believed cooking over an open flame on a gas stove was the only way to cook and cook well!, but frankly, not impressed. Not anymore! East Bay Community Energy (EBCE), a non-profit Community Choice Aggregator (CCA) that “exists to provide more renewable...