
Center for Community Energy

Accelerating sustainable local energy production and storage through education, research, advocacy, technical advice and consulting.

CCE was founded as an off-shoot of the San Diego Energy District, a non-profit founded in 2011 to advance the development of Community Choice Energy in the San Diego area.CCE was created in late 2019 as a separate organization in order to function as an intervenor before the California Public Utilities Commission.

CCE’s ultimate goal is decarbonization.

To substantively contribute to achieving this critically important goal, CCE’s mission is focused on accelerating sustainable local energy production and storage.  

CCE’s Programs

To pursue its mission, CCE addresses and promotes the interests of private citizens, small businesses, underserved communities, and non-profits.  As an intervenor before the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), CCE works to influence the development of energy policy that will enable CA to achieve critical decarbonization goals while simultaneously improving our electric grid and reducing energy costs.  CCE programs focus on:

> E-mobility, i.e., Electric Vehicles (EVs), Vehicle-to-X* opportunities, and E-bikes
> Distributed energy resources (DER) including microgrids and the potential of EVs
> Solar carport design to enable EV charging and create value for building owners
> Rate payor advocacy and related issues, especially energy prices

CCE is supported by contributions from private citizens and grants from private and public organizations.

In 2022 CCE investigated ways to motivate replacement of gas hot water heaters in rental properties throughout the county. This was done to support critical goals identified in San Diego’s Regional Decarbonization Framework.  The final report delivered to the County is available here.

In 2023, CCE researched public opinion and issues related to e-bikes. The goal was to help the County of San Diego better understand the environmental and health benefits, as well as critical concerns about e-bikes in order to help the County determine how to better manage the growth of e-bikes throughout the County.  The results from e-bike work are available here.

In 2024, CCE is researching the potential of EVs and V2X (“vehicle-to-anything”) for environmental, transportation, energy, and economic planning purposes anywhere in San Diego County.  This work is being sponsored in part by a Community Enhancement (CE) grant from the County.

CCE work is enabled in large part through an on-going university student internship program begun in 2020, and through the support of volunteers who care about our environment and the kinds of things we do.

Read about the people who make CCE possible:

CCE’s Founders & Board Members

CCE Intern and Volunteer Program

* Vehicle-to-everything:  solutions for using energy stored in electric vehicle batteries to charge things such as homes (V2H) and other buildings (V2B), infrastructure (V2I) and devices (V2D), and so on. 

The Center for Community Energy is a California corporation recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)3 non-profit.