“Can V2G Alleviate the Duck Curve in California?”
A Virtual Conference
The Center for Community Energy (CCE), a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, is hosting a virtual conference on February 12, 2021 that will bring together top experts from the U.S. and abroad to make presentations and participate in roundtable discussions.
An expert-opinion consensus document from the conference will be submitted to the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), other state agencies, elected officials, media and others.
Time is running out. We need your support for this conference. Become a member or sponsor now.
What is the duck curve and why does it matter?
The main obstacle to achieving 60% renewable electricity in California by 2045 is something called the “duck curve.” Named for a graph that resembles the shape of a duck, it shows a surplus of solar power during the day and a shortage of renewable power in the evening.
The duck-curve imbalance forces the state to:
- curtail solar energy by day (not enough demand),
- keep several fossil fuel plants in operation in the evening and
- maintain fossil fuel plants scheduled for retirement but now forecast to be on standby until 2050.
Distributing energy from electric vehicles (EVs) to the power grid, or V2G, has the potential to mitigate or eliminate the duck curve.
As you know, California has ambitious goals for achieving both clean transportation and a clean electricity grid – decarbonizing – by 2045. EVs are considered the best way to achieve clean transportation and reduce greenhouse gases globally.
What’s less well known:
Clean vehicles can also enable a clean electricity grid, according to studies.
Vehicle-to-Grid bi-directional electricity distribution links the electric power system and the transportation system to improve the sustainability and security of both.
At this time, the California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) is not even considering V2G distribution. But resource planning for generating and storing energy in the future is taking place now.
Time is running out. Why we need your support for this conference.
The PUC is currently formulating an Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) that will be in effect for decades. The plan is based on a staff report that proposes investor-owned utilities develop 10-year plans for integrating electric vehicles into the grid.
The preliminary IRP doesn’t even mention a highly cost-effective way to decarbonize the electricity grid by distributing energy directly from EVs to the grid.
This conference will change that. Our goal is to present the state with V2G models that can be used to directly compare V2G to various power sources. Models show that by eliminating the duck curve, clean vehicles can:
- Enable a clean electricity grid at a substantially lower capital investment,
- Avoid the cost of supporting renewables with stationery storage and
- Further speed the growth of clean vehicle adoption.
Please donate now
Note: Our registration and payment form will be available soon. But you can become a member or patron now.
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Maintaining the Momentum
In collaboration with the San Diego Energy District, CCE hosted a virtual conference on June 5, 2020 for Community Choice Aggregators. “Decarbonize & Take Control of Your Community’s Energy Needs” attracted nearly 300 attendees.
Dr. Jose Torre-Bueno, Executive Director of the CCE, moderated the 2020 symposium. An experienced energy industry executive, former academic, and author of numerous peer-reviewed publications, Dr. Torre-Bueno will also moderate the upcoming conference.