Andrea Salas
Intern Analyst
Andrea Salas is currently an intern analyst at the Center for Community Energy. Her responsibilities are to coordinate the sponsor development and general organizational calendar efforts, as well as identifying and reaching out to potential sponsors.
She is attending her last semester of Renewable Energy Engineering at CETYS University and is enrolled in a Double Degree Program with the City University of Seattle, where she is expecting to obtain a Bachelor of Arts in Management in June 2020. Andrea has been an intern at GSE, an energy efficiency company that controls the electrical equipment of multiple restaurant chains. Also, she was an intern in the Environment, Health & Safety department of Poly, an audio communications company.
Andrea aspires to work for decarbonization through clean energy in the San Diego Area. She truly believes in sustainability and will devote her hard work towards it. In the future, she would like to combat energy poverty by electrifying rural areas with renewable energy.
Andrea lives just across the border in Tijuana, México, and enjoys dancing as a hobby.