The following speakers participated in the June 5, 2020 Virtual Symposium. This list includes links to their presentations.
Session 1: Regulatory Compliance, Legal Structure & Operations
Keynote: The Honorable Mike Levin, US Congress.
TOPIC and Presentation: Vision for a Federal Clean Energy Commitment
Randal Kaufman, Sales Director, Black & Veatch
TOPIC and Presentation: Clean Resilient Energy Infrastructure for Zero Emission Transportation and Facility Power
Jan Pepper, Chief Executive Officer, Peninsula Clean Energy
TOPIC and Presentation: Leveraging Funds to Expand the Reach of CCA Programs
Rosa Hilmarsdottir Cucicea, Vice President – Clean Energy Division Manager, River City Bank
TOPIC and Presentation: Start-up and Working Capital Financing for CCAs
Howard Choy, General Manager, County Office of Sustainability (retired), County of Los Angeles
TOPIC and Presentation: Program Opportunities for CCAs, Local Governments
Session 2: Procurement
Angelina Galiteva, Board of Governors, CAISO (California Independent System Operator)
TOPIC and Presentation: The role of the Grid in Ensuring Successful Decarbonization
Gerald W. Braun, Chair, IRESN (Integrated Renewable Energy Systems Network)
TOPIC and Presentation: Pathways to Least-Cost Clean Energy
Christine Vangelatos, Executive Director of Market Analytics, ZGlobal
TOPIC and Presentation: Managing an Effective Procurement Evaluation Process
Carl Stills, Vice President, Imperial Valley Development & Storage Integration, 8minute Solar Energy
TOPIC and Presentation: Hybrid Solar + Storage – Affordable Clean Energy Is Here To Stay
Michael Griswold, Owner, Ansergy WECC
TOPIC and Presentation: The Art of the Hedge
Session 3: Distributed Energy Resources
Lorenzo Kristov, Consultant on Electric System Policy, Structure, and Market Design
TOPIC and Presentation: Local Energy Planning for Decarbonization, Resilience and Equity
John Sarter, Founder, Microgrid Development Group, SF Bay Area
TOPIC and Presentation: Taming the Duck; Aggregation of Stationary and Mobile Energy Storage Systems – Virtual Power Plants
JP Ross, Senior Director, Local Development, Electrification and Innovation, East Bay Community Energy
TOPIC and Presentation: Developing Local Resilience
David Burdick, Executive Vice President of Business Development, TerraVerde Energy
TOPIC and Presentation: Best Practices in DER Program Design & Implementation
Brian Jones, Director of Distributed Energy Resources Incentive Programs, Center for Sustainable Energy
TOPIC and Presentation: PV, EVs and Energy Storage – How to Leverage Existing Incentive Programs for CCA Customers
Brian Rahman, P.E., Executive Director of Engineering, ZGlobal
TOPIC and Presentation: Renewable Distributed Generation
Session 4: Programs
Craig Lewis, Founder and Executive Director, Clean Coalition
TOPIC and Presentation: Unleashing Solar on Rooftops, Parking Lots, and Parking Structures Throughout San Diego
Chris Sentieri, Senior Manager, EcoShift Consulting
TOPIC and Presentation: Transformative Local Programming: Emerging Perspectives and Opportunities for CCAs
Jessie Denver, Manager, Distributed Energy Resources Program, East Bay Community Energy
TOPIC and Presentation: Electrifying Local Government Fleets: The Role of CCAs
Stephen Gunther, Distributed Energy Resources Policy Manager, Center for Sustainable Energy
TOPIC and Presentation: Optimizing Local Efforts: Opportunities to Align CCA Programs with Local Government Initiatives
Woody Hastings, Energy Program Manager, The Climate Center
TOPIC and Presentation: How CCA Programs are Responding to Community Needs